Hello friends! Apologies for my absence. I have been BUSY! It's Thesis crunch time. I went to Texas...
Airplane Selfie |
I was there Monday-Saturday and I had to work on my thesis the entire time. I worked on it out on the front porch one day:
It was nice. Then mom and I sat out there and talked and read magazines until dinner time:
My thesis involves thematic analysis and I have never done that before now. Its a lot harder than I imagined. So, the last two weeks has been a week and a half of racking my brain on how to do thematic analysis and trying to find the themes from the interviews I did, and half a week of writing up my results. I used this book a little:
I also read a lot of articles about thematic analysis because all of my professors were out of town so I had no one that I could go see to get answers to my questions. I did cutting and sorting with index cards:
I felt lost for most of the last two weeks. This was the turning point:
My very first theme! After that it was much easier to figure out. I've worked on this so much I am getting to that point where I am out of things to say and out of ideas. My current page count is 87 - can you believe that?
I have a meeting with my thesis chair tomorrow so that he can give me some feed back. My entire thesis is due next week - I will send it to my committee who will have 2 weeks to read it and then I will have my defense on June 17th. I can't believe its only 3 weeks away!! Yikes! I will be so happy after its over though.
Anyways, that is why I have been not posting, but now that it seems to be at a manageable place (and hopefully i am not cursing myself by saying that) I can get back to doing fun things like making art and then I can post more too! Thanks for stopping by today! Have a wonderful week!