
02 June 2015

Memorial Day Weekend

After Employee Awards Day I left Waco to go see my family in Arlington.  I ha a great time visiting them.  On Saturday we went to the Kimbell Art Museum to see some art and then that evening we went to see Tomorrowland.  I actually liked the movie a lot - and thought it was interesting how it was somewhat a commentary on how we treat the earth.  That was interesting to me since I am an econerd (my own term!) and try my best to recycle what can be recycled, and use re-useable items so I am not accumulating a lot of trash.

Anway... Sunday we went to see the weirdest play ever.  The play was called Urine Town.

It was amusing but the costumes were really out there and I felt like they tried too hard to make it weird.  The costumes reminded me of the people from Capitol City in the Hunger Games movies.  Here is a shot from the play:

It was definitely a new experience - my first time going to Theater Arlington.

After the play we did some shopping... here is what I got... I got some new, limited edition Larabars:

And some tiny pinwheels for my plants:

And I tried on this visor:

But I did not buy it.  The last thing I got was some new shoes for working out.  My old ones were way worn out.  You should replace your workout/running/gym/dance/etc shoes every 3-5 months.  Shoes are important - skimp on them and you could really injury yourself and cause a lot of pain and suffering and cost at the doctor!  Be nice to your body and give yourself some good shoes!

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