
10 October 2013

I may have a problem...

So, I might just have a bit of an addiction...

Yes, that is right - decorating and writing/art journaling in moleskin journals!  From left to right in the above photo: "Notes & Ideas," my food journal (for my doctor), thesis notebook, "Vet Stuff" note book, and my workout planner/log.  Missing from that photo is the one I am using for my dream journal for this semester.  I am currently refraining from purchasing more of these notebooks because I could just be doing all this in one single place - a all encompassing art journal.  I do, however want to start doing more affirmation writing and that is what spurred my desire for another notebook.

So... here is a short example from my "notes & ideas" notebook:

Its a to-do list.  At Hillary's instance I added "Smile" because I get busy and she says I forget to do this. She is right... I do get busy and forget that I should be having fun too.  She balances me out well.

Another few examples from the same book:

Yep... mandala doodles.  I do them in class when I am bored or not feeling well.

I love these books - they are the perfect size and for some reason I LOVE the grid paper.

Well friends, its going to be a long busy day so I have to go, but I wish you a lovely day!!  Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I love all these mandalas, especially the one that looks like peacock feathers! I have been working with danglies. Can't find an example at the moment, but I will see if I can find one.
