
08 April 2014

Art Therapy at the Homeless Veteran Stand Down

This past weekend was the North Florida Homeless Veteran Stand Down.  It is a 3-day event that aims to help homeless veterans get back on their feet.  They can come stay at the camp for 3 days and get food, clothes, showers, a safe place to sleep, legal assistance, medical care, dental care, housing assistance, state IDs or drivers licenses, birth certificates, help filing a disability claim with the VA.  In addition, a lot of other companies/organizations come out to set up a table and provide service or information... for instance: a library, the local junior college, the national guard family readiness group, pet therapy, art therapy (of course!), music therapy, a library, recreation therapy, red cross, health department, and many more!

The FSU Art Therapy Association went out from 8-4 on Friday and 830-430 on Saturday and we made an American Flag with everyone that was there.  We had contributions from ages 2-70!  Here are some photos from our time out there:

This dog came and did art therapy with us! 

This is what she made!

At the end of day one! 

half-way done

Shark!  Have fun doing a slow-moment!  

The finished flag!  Its so wonderful!! 

It was a lot of fun to get to talk to all the veterans and the veteran service providers.  I am really glad I got to go!!


  1. I was just reading your post to husband and telling him that you are doing what you love and making a difference in the lives of others. It is wonderful that FSU does so much for veterans. Did that play a part in you choosing FSU? It is wonderful to see how much you are growing, your art is growing and you will have an amazing impact on many lives. I am so proud of you, Rae!!

    1. Trece thank you so much for your support! Yes part of coming to FSU was all of the opportunities for veterans!
